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Our Commitment to Independent Authors

Our Commitment to Independent Authors

We are unwavering in our commitment to supporting and promoting independent authors. We recognize that independent authors pour their hearts and souls into their literary works, often navigating a challenging and competitive landscape. That's why we have created a platform that prioritizes the interests of authors above all else.

One of the key ways we differentiate ourselves is by ensuring that authors receive 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of their books through our platform. Unlike other popular online stores that often take substantial percentages as commissions, we believe in giving authors the full reward for their creative endeavors. This financial support is not just about recognizing their hard work; it's about enabling them to continue producing exceptional literature that enriches our lives.

Furthermore, we understand that independent authors often struggle to find visibility in a market dominated by more prominent names and publishers. Unknown Greatness strives to level the playing field by providing independent authors with a platform to showcase their talents. We believe that every author deserves an equal opportunity to connect with readers who appreciate their unique voices and stories.

In addition to financial support and exposure, we are committed to fostering a community of independent authors. We offer resources and guidance to authors looking to publish their works independently, helping them navigate the complex world of publishing. We believe that collaboration and shared knowledge are essential for the growth and success of independent authors. Through this community-driven approach, we hope to empower authors to achieve their literary dreams.

Our mission extends beyond just providing a sales platform; it's about creating an environment where independent authors can thrive, connect with their audience, and continue producing remarkable literary works. We invite you to be a part of this mission by supporting independent authors on Unknown Greatness.

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